#National Visiting Days
APRIL 1-14, 2019
The 'National Visiting Days' is a two week long film engagement that brings families together to watch “Tre Maison Dasan” through simultaneous watching events.
Visiting Day is one of the most important days of the week, month, or sometimes year for children and parents separated from their loved ones due to incarceration. With the national broadcast premiere of “Tre Maison Dasan” on PBS / Independent Lens on April 1st, 2019, we want to help make that day happen for families across the country, strengthen bonds of family, and prompt a national reflection about the the rippling effects of mass incarceration in America.
PBS accessibility in many prisons and jails provides an opportunity to bring families together with their incarcerated loved ones through simultaneous watching of the film, and even further by capturing and sharing feelings, feedback, and impressions from both sides of the carceral divide at a national scale.
We hope the broadcast of the film can build a bridge across the separation between these families, and also help inform more humane programs and policy going forward.
Can you host or partner on a watching event in your region?
Can you facilitate a watching event with your local prison or jail?
Each event needs:
a venue with access to PBS or streaming from PBS.org
invitations sent out to families and communities that are ready to come together to experience the film together
a hosting organization or facilitator that can help guide discussion and response
The broadcast will take place on PBS' Independent Lens on April 1, 2019. Each local PBS station may air this at a different time, and we can sometimes work with local affiliates to accommodate different screening times. The film will also be available to PBS stations and for streaming on PBS.org for two weeks, meaning there's a 14 day window of time within which National Visiting Days events can be held through the PBS platform. (After this, we'll be announcing how to access the film through our community/educational distribution partner!)